What's my home worth

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A Hyper-Local Approach to Home Valuations

An Automated Valuation Model, or AVM is a technology driven program designed to estimate the current market value of a home. It uses data from various sources such as recent sales, property characteristics and market trends to calculate the estimate of a property's worth. While Automated Valuation models are a great place to start, understand that every AVM model writes the code differently and they often give wide price ranges likely because the data used is usually from wider geographic areas, which can make the sample less than desirable.
With the valuations that we send to you, we personally take the time to sort through and examine data that is more specific to your subdivision or neighborhood. While our home valuations won't be "instantaneous", they will provide you with more than a "number." We'll include information about average property size, specific locations, market time and trends. Also, keep in mind that just like AVM's, these valuations are only a starting point. If you need a more pinpoint valuation of your property, we would love the opportunity to meet with you to tour your property and then come back with a more complete property valuation analysis.

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